Policies & FAQs


Travel Fee

If the location of your choosing is out of a 20 mile radius of South Tucson, there will be a travel fee. Please email us to let us know your picnic will be out of our radius to send you a personalized invoice.

Our preferred parks are: Lakeside Park, Reid Park, your own residence, and Gates Pass (Gatespass is only on weekends due to the high volume of people there on weekends.)

Rescheduling & Cancellations

We understand things comes up! If the Client requests to cancel his/her session for any reason, as stated above, the amount paid is NON -REFUNDABLE. If a reschedule is requested, the Client must contact the PalafoxProjects within 48 hours of the original event date, and the retainer will be transferred to the new session date. The new session must be scheduled within 3 months of the original session date. Cancellations due to weather will be rescheduled within the following week.

Time & Punctuality

We ask everyone arrives on time please! We have multiple appointments throughout the day and we would hate to waste any of your time so we ask we get the same respect. We know life happens and if you’re running late just let us know! Your time slot will not be able to be extended unfortunately.

Can we leave our picnic early?

We ask everyone lets us know at least 30 minutes prior to departing your picnic, a lot of hard work goes into acquiring these unique materials being used to make your dream picnic happen and we would hate for someone to steal anything! We ask you wait until we arrive to depart.